
Es werden Posts vom November, 2019 angezeigt.

[COSPLAY] First Blade (Supernatural)

1. Pattern making First of all, I searched for a lot of reference pictures to get the size of the blade. I found a replica where the messurements were noted, so I used them. In the end it turned out slightly bigger, I think, but well. So I took a picture of the blade copied it in Microsoft Word, because I have no skill with graphic programmes, messured and printed it. 2. Transfering This time I didnt't use foam because the blade is much thicker. Furthermore styrofoam is easier to sand if you have such a unique shape, as this one. 3. Sanding So after transfering and cutting it out, comes the fun part...not. Sanding and a lot of more sanding until the shape maches the original blade. I used a Dremel if I needed to get rid of a lot of material, but most of the time I used sanding-paper. This works slower, but styrofoam is also a little fragile and you can go more into detail with the paper. This took quite a long time and I paused between, because th...

[TV] Supernatural Season 15 [Episode 06] - Golden Time

Golden Time   Season 15 Episode 06 Title(USA): Golden Time Air-Date(USA):  November 20, 2019 Network:  CWTV Language:  English Author:   Meredith Glynn Director:   John F. Showalter WIKI Article Plot Cas is back and he is on the hunt. Sam and Dean are meeting an old friend, who needs their help until a bunch of witches are trying to ruin the afternoon. Opinion A lot is happening in this episode. It felt quite melancholic and it wasn't full of humor, only a little in the beginning. By the way can we talk about Deans amazing Pyjama-pants? I need them, they are awesome. Now you finally see how destroyed both of the brothers are. How they, especually Dean, have no hope on winning this war. Sam is trying, but you can see, that he is barely holding up.  An old friend appears: Eileen Leahy. She is a ghost and was send to hell? What in the name of god (ähm yeah I am sure it's his doing) went wrong w...

[BOOK] You're never weird on the internet (almost) [ENG]

Book Title:  You're never weird on the internet (almost) Author:  Felicia Day Publisher:  Sphere Release Date:  April 28, 2016 Pages: 304 Price:  Kindle 2,99 € Plot The Internet isn't all cat videos. There's also Felicia Day - violinist, filmmaker, Internet entrepreneur, compulsive gamer and former lonely homeschooled girl who overcame her isolated childhood to become the ruler of a new world . . . or at least semi-influential in the world of Internet geeks and Goodreads book clubs. After growing up in the south where she was 'homeschooled for hippie reasons', Felicia moved to Hollywood to pursue her dream of becoming an actress and was immediately typecast as a crazy cat-lady secretary. But Felicia's misadventures in Hollywood led her to produce her own web series, own her own production company and become an Internet star. Felicia's short-ish life and her rags-to-riches rise to Internet fame launched her career as one of the mo...

[BOOK] Kinder des Nebels - Held aller Zeiten [GER]

Buch Titel: Kinder des Nebels - Held aller Zeiten Original: Mistborn - Hero of all ages Autorin: Brandon Sanderson Verlag: Piper Erscheinungsdatum: Neuauflage 2. Mai 2019 Umfang: 992 Preis: 18,00 Euro Broschiert Zählung innerhalb der Reihe: 3. Band (Trilogie) Inhalt Das Letzte Reich ist Vergangenheit, der Oberste Herrscher besiegt. Das jetzt freie Volk der Skaa und die Nebelgeborenen blickten hoffnungsvoll in die Zukunft. Doch um wirklich ein neues glückliches Zeitalter herbeizuführen, müssen die Helden um Rebellenanführerin Vin und den neuen König Elant noch einige Prüfungen bestehen. Es gilt Kriege mit neuen Feinden zu bestreiten – und nun muss auch noch ein uraltes Grauen besiegt und das Land von einem tödlichen Fluch befreit werden. Doch dafür müssen die mit den magischen Kräften der Metalle ausgestatteten Nebelgeborenen düsteren Geheimnissen aus vergangenen Zeiten auf die Spur kommen, sodass am Ende ein Held aller Zeiten vi...

[TV] Supernatural Season 15 [Episode 05] - Proverbs 17:3 [ENG]

Proverbs 17:3 Season 15 Episode 05 Title(USA):  Proverbs 17.3 Air-Date(USA):  November 14, 2019 Network:  CWTV Language:  English Author:   Steve Yockey Director:   Richard Speight Jr. WIKI Article Plot Sam and Dean are going on a normal job, hunting werewolves, saving the blonde Chick. So it seems. But then everything changes. Opinion You thought this is going to be a normal monster of the week? Hah, not at all.  I am not really sure what to think about this episode. On the one hand the first half was not that catchy as expected, but ok. On the other hand it was really important for the metaplot and the seccond half was way better. And we had some funny scenes of course. After everything happens so quickly I soon started to think, that this isn't all, there is something bigger behind all of this. And it was. This was all planned, but in my opinion a bit too obvious. I knew the chick was kinda...

[TV] Supernatural Season 15 [Episode 04] - Atomic Monsters [ENG]

Atomic Monsters Season 15 Episode 04 Title(USA):  Atomic Monsters Air-Date(USA):  November 7, 2019 Network:  CWTV Language:  English Author: Davy Perez Director: Jensen Ackles WIKI Article Plot After the last three episodes, the Boys are back into business. Both of them are suffering from what happened. The loss of their mother, Rowena and Ketch and also Cas is gone. So Dean pushes Sam onto a hunt to distract them both from their misery. Opinion I was so excited for this episode because who could resist a good old monster of the week. And although the main plot was a bit to obvious and slow, it was fun and entertaining. We finally got the infamous humor and sarcasm back, after all the shitty things that happened. I really appreciated that. As said the main plot with Sam and Dean seems to be more of a nice side-act. Really interesting was the scene between Chuck and Becky our No. 1 Supernatural-Fan. It is so intense al...