[TV] Supernatural Season 15 [Episode 02] - Raising Hell [ENG]
Raising Hell
Season 15 Episode 02
Title(USA): Raising Hell
Air-Date(USA): October 17, 2019
Network: CWTV
Language: English
Director: Robert Singer
Author: Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming
The ghosts are still on the run. Our Boys evacuated the whole City, but the inhabitants are starting to act like stupid Horror Movie Actors. Some old friends stop by to save the day.
The ghosts are still on the run. Our Boys evacuated the whole City, but the inhabitants are starting to act like stupid Horror Movie Actors. Some old friends stop by to save the day.
Much weaker than the first episode. It wasn't totally bad, but nothing really happened either. I thought that by now, they would have solved the ghost problem, but they haven't. It's getting worse.
Otherwise it was cool that we came to see a very infamous ghost, Jack the Ripper. And gosh he was such a pain in the ass. Smart, elegant and cruel, a terrible combination. But an awesome and interesting villain.
Meanwhile Rowena appears and also does Ketch. And guys what happened here? What terrible flirting that was. Did they even flirt? They should have taken a room immediately. I came to think the writers wanted the british people to be together. Yeah but why not, it's kind of cute to have some flirting. We will see how long this goes. Because we're talking about Supernatural propably not too long.

Also Kevin came back as a ghost and got into trouble, again. I think he needs to be saved most of the time. Don't get me wrong I like Kevin, but the whole, his soule went to hell thing, doesnt' make a lot of sense. The only explanation was that god didn't like the Winchesters anymore? But when Kevin died he did, so this was kinda strange.
And we came to see our favorite chaos family of the universe. Chuck and Amara, and there are quite some problems in the paradise. I am excited how this turns out.
And we came to see our favorite chaos family of the universe. Chuck and Amara, and there are quite some problems in the paradise. I am excited how this turns out.
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