[TV] Supernatural Season 15 [Episode 01] - Back and to the future [ENG]

Back and to the Future

Season 15 Episode 01

Title(USA): Back and to the Future
Air-Date(USA):  October 10, 2019
Network: CWTV
Language: English
Author: Andrew Dabb
Director: John F. Showalter

As it began, so it shall end...


We start, where the last Season ended. Chuck raised all the souls of hell and realeased them upon earth. Now it is up to Sam, Dean and Castiel to save the world, again. 


Most oft he timest he intro of Supernatural is a tip for what they are up to in the season. It is clear that one big role goes to Chuck (GOD), but there is someone else: The Empty. And because there is a lot of black goo in the intro, I expect that Chuck is not the ultimate endgame. Maybe the dying light in the middle is him getting devoured by The Empty. Back to start. Because as we all knew, the Empty is much older than anything in this universe, therfore older than god himself. The question stays, is it more powerfull? That would be logical, but what is it’s intention?


What a start. I was so excited about this Season. First because it ist he beginning oft he end and furthermore because of the high expectations that goes into a final season, and if they could be fulfilled. And untill now it is great.

It was a very strong first episode with few downtime, if anything, the plot moves fast and we switch between a lot of different scenes, because there is not only one but a lot of monsters. Actionfans get your moneys worth.

Furthermore a new character appears, at the beginning and is helping the boys, a Demon named Belphegor. Demons are not known for their kindness, but they have the same goal, so I guess that works for now, we will see what will come. Also because he is in Jack’s Body. Kudos at Alexander Calvert. He did a great job in portraying this character, it is completly different than the nice Nephilim Jack. I definetly like this one, he seems like Crowley 2.0, talks a lot, is funny and morally questionable. 

The episode has not a clear ending, because it isn’t any normal cas, it is the end, literally. But the last scene was so nostalgic, as Sam says to Dean „We’ve got work to do!“. He shuts the trunk oft he Impala and we get a throwback to Season 1 Episode 1, which ended exact the same way. 

Dean: "You and me versus every soul in hell...I like these odds."
Sam: "Me too."
Dean: "You know what that means?"
Sam: "We've got work to do!"


The beginning oft he end. It was amazing. A lot of action, varying scenes and a new character, who is hilarious. The actors are in topform and more than ready for this last ride. If the ycan keep this level, this show goes with a bang. And I will not expect less than that!


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