[TV] Supernatural Season 15 [Episode 08] - Our Father, Who aren't in heaven [ENG]

Our Father, Who aren't in heaven Season 15 Episode 08 Title(USA) : Our Father, Who aren't in heaven Air-Date(USA) : December 12, 2019 Network : CWTV Language : English Author : Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Lemming Director : Richard Speight Jr. WIKI Article Plot Sam, Dean and Castiel’s continued search for a way to defeat Chuck leads them to unexpected places and toward unlikely allies. Opinion Wow this episode was amazing, although it didn't felt like a mid-season-finale. Yes a lot is happening and old characters are popping out everywhere, but I missed a hughe cliffhanger at the end. None the less...Awesome. We start with a scene of Chuck and it seems he really turned mad, which I found a bit strange. Was he always like this or just recently? This behavior is more like Lucifers, who he locked away, because he destroyed his work. Still don't know what to think about this, but we will see. God, more than Lucifer, seems l...